Category: Misc. Topics

132 Days till Christmas

I’m sure this is not the post you really wanted to start reading. But, the reality is Christmas is just around the corner. There are just under 19 weeks before Christmas. Maybe it’s time to start the holiday preparation a little earlier this year so you are not so frazzled in December and stressing over […]

Technologically Challenged :-)

If you are like I am, technology is not always your friend. When I first started working on this site it took me forever to figure it out. I had to seek outside help and once it was up and running there was a sigh of relief. It’s been over a year now since this […]

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Can you believe it is October and the holidays are right around the corner. With the rising price of gas, utilities, groceries, etc. the questions is: What is a family to do? It’s hard to make the holidays happy without the necessary resources. But, there is a way. The holidays are not about who gets […]

Leasing and Sub-leasing

One of the questions that was raised by a college student whose lease expires within a few months was “Is is alright to sublease my unit and how much should I charge?” You need to read your original lease to verify there is verbiage in the lease that allows you to sublease your unit or […]

Pick Your Topic

The pick your topic section is for open discussion on topics that may not be listed under the various categories. I may or may not be able to help you. I’m sure I’ll be able to offer an opinion…lol, possibly direct you to a place you may be able to find your answers or others […]