If you are like I am, technology is not always your friend. When I first started working on this site it took me forever to figure it out. I had to seek outside help and once it was up and running there was a sigh of relief.

It’s been over a year now since this project started. I kept trying to figure out why no one was posting anything. Then a year later it dawned on me. They can’t. Go figure. Now you know why I titled this post “Technologically Challenged”. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a little slower when it comes to technology. So I figure a year is not so bad. (ha, ha, ha)
I built this site in obedience to what God had laid on my heart. I finally listened after a few years, completed the site, prayed and left it in God’s hands. Which is where it still is.
Even though I do not get emails for topics of discussion, I still get the phone calls with questions on what people should do in certain situations. Since it’s a new year, I am going to make an effort to start posting more frequently on the questions that have been asked of me and items of concern that I have decided to insert myself into to start making changes and standing up for what I believe.
I will try to commit to being better at technology. No promises, but I will try.
Please do not send me questions on technology because I will be of no help. I’m just being honest. If it wasn’t for my son-in-law and those who tolerate me with working on technology, I would still be writing with my pen & paper and hope that one day someone would find my writings and get help from them one day.
Oh, wait a minute. I forgot, I am infamous for writing letters and writing books when I sign cards. Just ask my family!! 🙂
Till next time, Stay safe Online and work on achieving any goals that you may have with improving your own technological skills. I would still like to learn computer animation. Maybe one day…..