I’m sure this is not the post you really wanted to start reading. But, the reality is Christmas is just around the corner. There are just under 19 weeks before Christmas.

Maybe it’s time to start the holiday preparation a little earlier this year so you are not so frazzled in December and stressing over how you are going to get everything done.
Try purchasing one Christmas present each week to get a jump on your shopping. Think about something you can make that everyone would like to have. (Ex. a family photo book, a homemade Christmas ornament, homemade baked goods that were family favorites, etc.)
I’m sure you are thinking school hasn’t started yet, Halloween & Thanksgiving are not over with and I’m supposed to be thinking about Christmas. The answer is yes. To spread out the financial challenges of the upcoming season we need to think ahead and start pre-planning.
Begin by making a list of all of the people that you need to buy gifts for. Jot down some gift ideas and start watching for pre-season sales. Check thrift stores, dollar stores, etc. You will be amazed at what you are able to find at these stores. New items are donated to thrift stores all of the time.
Fall craft shows are starting if you are looking for some unique gift ideas. Make unique coupon books to exchange with family members & friends for babysitting, making a meal, hosting a family game night, etc. Plan a family Christmas project or event. (Ex. Christmas caroling together at a nursing home and pass out candy canes or cookies, etc.) Make Christmas Magic this year and think outside of the box. (Ex. sending Christmas Cards to the troops. These typically need mailed by mid November.)
We need to learn to spread the love of Christmas around all year and not just during the Christmas season. Christ loves us unconditionally and we need to learn to love others the same way.
Merry Christmas!!