Losing our loved ones is very hard. We do not always understand it and there are times we question why? Over the past two weeks there have been two losses that have affected the lives of various people that I know. One was a grandpa that lived a good long life and the other was 18 years old whose life ended too quickly. How do you reconcile these two losses? I don’t think that you do. They both hurt tremendously! A loss is a loss, is a loss. My heart hurts for all parties involved. My heart hurts for the family of the young man who recently went home to be with the Lord as he worked for me at times, he loved & helped his G-Ma while she was in hospice and he was the most loved, respected, fun loving young man that anyone could ask for. My heart aches for the family of the lost grandpa. He was exceptionally close to his grandson and there is a huge hole in his heart from this loss and it hurts deeply.
I pray that God will be with these two families and may his peace wrap around them as they start to adjust to the emptiness, the loneliness and their soon to be new normal’s of life as they move forward without their loved ones.
Even though we do not always understand it, I can tell you that God has a plan. When it comes to God’s plans, my friends & I have joked and said we wished God would give us the info in a big neon sign, or at least share his plans with us. Or that maybe he has us confused with someone else who has the same first names as we do. 🙂 All kidding aside, knowing God’s plan is not the answer. Not knowing God’s plan allows us to exercise our faith in him. Not knowing God’s plan enables us to live each day to the fullest because we are not promised tomorrow and we never know when we will take our last breath.

The grieving process is individual and no one has the right to determine how you will choose to grieve. What has always worked for me is seeking God. Praying and looking to him for the sense of peace that I have needed during these times. His reassurance that He is walking with me on these journeys has always helped me.
It’s OK to cry, it’s OK to be sad, it’s OK to have off days, it’s OK to think of the happy memories, it’s OK to do something that brings a smile to your face when you think of your loved ones, it’s OK to be who you need to be during this time of loss.
Many people are thinking of you during this time. Many people are praying for you and you do not even know it. Many people are wishing they could ease the hurt and the pain for you. Many people love you and are there for you during these times.
May God be exceptionally close to everyone who has lost a loved one recently and to everyone who has experienced loss in their lives. Know without a doubt that God is with you. Especially if you seek him and ask him too. May the peace of God be with you.