Ministry Ideas

So far, during my journey with Christ, I have had the privilege to serve in various areas of ministry with God leading me and by my side. My experiences have included Outreach Coordinator, Women’s Ministry Leader, worked with Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, Family Camps, Christian Drama, taught various Sunday School Classes, Created a Drive-thru Christmas program, wrote & developed various ladies retreats, and I’m always seeking & listening to God to see where He is going to lead me next.

A lot of the materials I’ve used are archived, but are still obtainable. It will be fun to brainstorm and create new ideas as well as fine tune some of the ministries of old. I will help brainstorm with anyone looking for that fresh outreach opportunity to reach out and reach others for Christ.

Today we need to think outside of the box to reach others. I know that the Bible states in the end times there will be a falling away of Christians and their hearts will grow cold. That does not mean that we just sit by and watch it happen. It is our responsibility as Christ followers to still try to reach as many people as we can for Christ.

We need to look at the needs around us and our communities of outreach; we also should take inventory of the needs of the church & pray for God’s direction. Our churches should be used everyday or as much as possible to reach out. Today, it appears we have become complacent and think that everything needs to happen either on a Sunday or a Wednesday evening. It may be coming to the point after the pandemic that some churches may need to close and/or consolidate due to the lack of attendance. Or maybe our outreach is not within the confines of the church walls, but outside of the church.


In today’s society there are a lot of single parents, grandparents raising their grandchildren and time is hard for them to find. Especially for working single parents.

One Saturday morning once a month (or every other month), I would try a Children’s Program along the lines of a Bible School Program that you will be able to use over a 6-8 month period. Consider the hours between 9:30 – 11:30 or 10:00 – 12:00. (Try to use the same Saturday each month so single parents can plan ahead and so can the childcare workers – example: the first Saturday of the month.) There would be a pre-registration deadline by Wednesday of the week of the scheduled class. This way you will know how many children will be attending on that given Saturday. (A lot of the registration, paperwork and information can be completed Online from your churches website.)

You will want to make sure that your church has all of their Policy’s up to date pertaining to working with children, verifying that all children workers have had their child safe training as needed and all back ground checks have been completed. You will want to make sure you have enough workers to ensure you will have a successful Children’s Program.

All liability waivers will need to be signed, emergency medical forms and all parents will need to acknowledge that their children will be taught about Jesus Christ.

All video cameras and equipment need to be in operating order and all safety and security measures need to be in place.

You may be thinking that this may not be much of a ministry. But, there are a lot of single parents that would love to have this time to go to the grocery store without their kids, make doctor appointments, or just take a leisurely bath and have some peace and quiet without paying for a babysitter and wondering who is taking care of their kids.

I can imagine some responses would be this is glorified babysitting. But, it is not. It is the opportunity to teach children about Jesus Christ. Share the love of God with them and plant the seeds for Christ to work in their lives.

This outreach will allow God to work and spill over into their families lives. What a blessing and outreach this could be. Get excited, pray and let God lead you!